Our Team


Dr. Tuan Le

can draw on 20 years of professional experience at the Austrian company Femtolasers where he was responsible for developing commercial fs-oscillators. Under his leadership, the world´s first industrial-grade turn-key 10 fs femtosecond laser won the special ECONOVIUS prize by the Austria Economic Chamber. He is author of numerous publications on OCT, THz generation and guiding ultrashort laser pulses through optical fibers. In 2013, his development of an ultra-compact sub-8 fs laser was both a finalist at the SPIE Prism Award for Photonics Innovation and an honorable mention at the CLEO Innovation Award.


Dr. Ming Yang

received his doctorate from the Humbolt University in Berlin where he worked with femtosecond lasers at the Max Born Institute. From 2012 to 2017 he was sales and marketing manager at Femtolasers and Spectra-Physics Vienna. Dr. Yang oversaw the sales processes for femtosecond lasers and amplifier systems for Europe and Asia.


Manfred Magrutsch

has been working in R&D since 1990. Among other achievements, he developed linear drives for robotics, cooling fan controls and precision lubrication pumps for rail transport, software for the EMS shipping system of the Austrian Post, software for data archiving control system of Baxter, and innovative high-performance LED spotlights for stadium lighting. Mr. Magrutsch has 30 years of expertise in the areas of mechanical design, electronics, CAD, programming and process optimization for hardware manufacturing. He is co-founder of VIULASE.